About me


My name is Stefan Petrov and I create videos on life & spirituality.

Throughout my life, I’ve experienced a few major traumatic events and because of that, I started seeking spiritual healing.

My spiritual journey started back in 2018 when I discovered that there’s more to life than what society tells us.


I was and I still am fascinated by spiritual teachings and life wisdom.

I love contemplating life, reality, and God (The Divine Source of all things).

My entire life I always felt out of alignment with 99% of the people and because of that I thought that there’s something really wrong with me.


However, later in life as I evolved spiritually and have found some spiritual teachers I realized that there’s nothing wrong with me. I was just interested in truth and most people are not like that. So, it’s very hard to fit into the collective society.


Back in 2019, shortly after my first “spiritual awakening” I had to check myself into a mental hospital because my mind couldn’t handle all the synchronicities and revelations I received from The Divine. I literally lost my mind. Meanwhile, I was smoking marijuana on a daily basis which only made everything worse.


There I was put on heavy medication and that made me apathetic towards life in general. It took me about 3-4 years to completely recover from these heavy medical drugs. The doctors weren’t sure if I had Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar, ADHD, or simply Chronic Anxiety. I shared with them all synchronicites and revelations I was experiencing and they simply told me that I was going crazy. However, deep down I always knew that they had no idea what really was going on. They just assumed that something was wrong with me.


Since then I started to practice meditation, prayer, self-inquiry, introspection, and contemplation on a daily basis. I finally started healing from that traumatic experience. I finally started connecting to God on a deeper level.

I stopped smoking marijuana and started to become more aware and mindful of everything I think, say, and do in my life.

My life has changed completely since then. I have changed completely. The old me disappeared and many fears and anxieties went away.


By learning more about spirituality I realized that I had experienced “The Dark Night of The Soul”. And also that many other people have already gone through that too. 


Finally, I found some answers and started to feel more balanced in my life. I finally recovered.


By God’s Grace, I survived these heavy karmic events, and now I feel more centered and balanced than ever before. I got destroyed and God rebuilt me from scratch again.


Right now, I am at a stage in which I want to share my experience in life and the spiritual teachings I have learned and applied so that I can help other souls evolve faster.


My journey has been not an easy one and I deeply know that I had to go through some very hard life events (destiny) because I am meant to share my experience with others.


My intentions are to inspire others and share my spiritual awakening journey.


Because of that, I created this YouTube channel where I can express the wisdom I’ve gained.





Link to my YouTube channel:
