Having big dreams/goals is extremely important if you want to grow as an individual. Big goals give meaning to your life. They give you something to fight for. They give you a life purpose. So, today we will discuss all the benefits of having a big goal/dream. Let’s go!
Why are big dreams/goals important?
If you don’t have a big goal/dream, then why do get up in the morning? Just because everyone else does it? Just because it’s not acceptable to lay in bed all day? Do you get up in the morning just because you have to? Then let me clarify something for you. There is another reality to that. You can get up from bed in the morning, not because you have to, but because you want. You can get up from bed in the morning because every day takes you closer to your big goal/dream. That’s a better way to live!
When you have something to strive for, you feel excited to meet the day ahead of you. You feel powerful and enthusiastic. That right there is a huge benefit. Don’t you want to feel excited and enthusiastic in your everyday life? If you said “Yes!”, then find a meaningful goal/dream and start pursuing it every single day for the rest of your life. Find something worth fighting for and dedicate your life to it. In return for that, you will receive big amounts of energy and enthusiasm in your daily life.
Why not have a small goal/dream?
Look, the bigger the goal, the more energy you will have. If you have small goals, then you will have small amounts of energy. On the other side, if you have big goals, you will have big amounts of energy. That is a universal law. We get energy from having a big vision in life because we require energy to make the vision a reality. So, the next time you decide to set a goal for your life, then be sure that it’s big enough. Don’t ask yourself if you can achieve it, just set the goal that you really want.
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right.”
-Henry Ford
The question should not be:
“Can I achieve this?”, instead of that ask yourself the following questions:
“Do I really want this?”,
“Do I really want to dedicate my entire life to this goal?”,
“Is this goal worth pursuing?”.
These are the real questions you want to ask yourself while setting a goal.
Achieving your dream life is not easy, but if you are serious enough, and invest the necessary energy, you can do it for sure! We can achieve everything we set our mind to, as long as we are willing to pay the price first. Everything in life has to be earned!
So, go ahead and dream big. The bigger your goals are, the more you will achieve in your life, and the more energy you will have on a daily basis.
Having a big dream/goal will also give you clarity and will destroy the confusion in your mind and soul. Clarity is very much needed if you want to progress in all areas of your life. Instead of being depressed and without a clear direction in life, decide today that you will create a direction that is meaningful to you personally. Keyword: TODAY!
Once you have a clear goal and intention of where you want to go in your life, start paying the price. Start doing the work, start investing the energy, start investing the resources, and start persisting until you succeed.
You will thank me later! :)
Having a big goal/vision/dream will give you more energy in your day-to-day life. You will get clarity inside your mind and soul, and you will have something to get up from bed in the morning. The bigger your goal is, the more energy you will get. That is a universal law! Keep in mind that only having a dream/vision/goal is not enough. You have to pay the price by making a constant effort in the direction of your vision, and you have to put this energy of yours to work. You have to invest mentally, emotionally, and financially, in your dream/goal/vision if you want to make it a reality. Dream big, pay the price, and enjoy!
Peace and Love,
Stefan Petrov
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